Commune life
2024-10-08 22:00:00+00:00

Citizens' info session with the Police Luxembourg


General information
Date & time: Wednesday the 09 octobre 2024 from 18:00 - 21:00
Centre de Loisirs « Loisi »
- 7, Routscheed L-6939 Niederanven

The Board of Aldermen of the Commune of Niederanven, together with the Police Luxembourg, invite to their information session, on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand'', in order to discuss the following subjects with the citizens of the Commune of Niederanven:

  • Introduction by the Mayor, Mr Fréd Ternes
  • Presentation of the new Directorate of the Central-East Region
  • Presentation of the new police chiefs of the Syrdall police station
  • Explanation on the new police station in Niederanven
  • Presentation on burglary prevention by the National Crime Prevention Service
  • Questions and answers

Presentation in Luxembourgish with simultaneous translation into French and English.
