European Mobility Week

Together with the Commission for Environment of the Commune of Niederanven, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the events and activities planned as part of the European Mobility Week, which will take place between 16 and 22 September 2024.

Working together towards the goal: Fewer CO2 emissions thanks to fewer km driven!

As part of European Mobility Week, the Commission for Environment will shortly present the alternatives to the car available in the Commune of Niederanven.

Compared with other EU countries, Luxembourg has one of the highest per capita CO2 emissions. Everyone can help to reduce them! But how can we help to reduce our CO2 emissions on a daily basis? Here are a few examples:

Example 1):

  • By taking the bus for a week to go to work in the city (15 km), I reduce my CO2 emissions by 31 kg
  • By carpooling for a week to work (35 km), I reduce my CO2 emissions by 71 kg
  • By taking the children to school (+/-3 km) by bus in the morning and at lunchtime on the same day, I reduce my CO2 emissions by 2.6 kg
  • If I do my shopping at the shopping centre (+/-3 km) by bike, I reduce my CO2 emissions by 1.3 kg

The reduction in CO2 emissions has been calculated using the average value for mid-range diesel and petrol vehicles.

Example 2):


Under the motto ‘less car - more fun’, let's make the most of Mobility Week and take the first step!

Information campaign about mobility offers in the commune

Visit this page on Monday 16 September to find out more!