Climate and nature partners

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Nature has always been close to the heart of the Commune of Niederanven. A large part of the Grunewald, the largest contiguous forest in Luxembourg, is located in our commune. A number of Natura 2000 protection zones and above all the nature reserve on the Aarnescht are part of our heritage. As a commune, it is imperative to preserve these in the interest of all residents.

Since 1974, the Commune of Niederanven has been involved in the municipal syndicate SIAS for environmental and nature conservation initiatives.

In 2006, the Commune of Niederanven also joined the Luxembourg Climate Alliance. As a climate alliance member, Niederanven is also committed to counteracting climate change at a local level, primarily as an obligation towards future generations. Niederanven is also a fair-trade commune and therefore also takes responsibility for ensuring a fair income for the growers and manufacturers in producing countries and thus a better life for them.

In this area, we work together with a number of partners who actively support us with their expertise:

  • Klima-Agence: supports the communes in achieving the national environmental protection targets. This includes providing advice to residents as part of the energy transition.
  • ClimatePact: offers communes that are actively committed to a climate-friendly energy transition the opportunity to receive state support.
  • NaturePact: offers communes that actively combat biodiversity loss the opportunity to receive state support.
  • Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg: currently consists of 40 communes that are committed to achieving the set goals. The Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg acts as a mouthpiece for the communes in matters of climate, development and energy policy.
  • Visit Guttland: the regional tourism office "Visit Guttland" is responsible for promoting the hiking trails in the Guttland region.
  • Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg: is committed to the development of fairer and more sustainable trade with producers from Africa, Asia, Latin America and consumers in Luxembourg.
  • Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg: is an independent and neutral environmental advisory organisation for communes, associations, public and private institutions and companies, environmental consultants and interested individuals. It currently has 86 subscribing communes, which together account for around 95% of the country's population.
  • SuperDrecksKëscht: a brand that was developed as part of Luxembourg's circular economy strategy. Its mission is to utilise the latest information and guarantee the implementation of sustainable materials management in an ecological and economic sense with high quality.
  • Antigaspi: a campaign by the Ministry of Agriculture to prevent food waste.