
For and with the children, that is the motto of the Niedz4Kidz!


Niedz4Kidz or N4K is a ResidentTeam with the aim of seeing the commune of Niederanven through the eyes of the children, but above all to give them the opportunity to actively help shape it.


Manuela Klensch-Melchior

HR, communications & Niedz4Kidz

Residents' Team Niedz4Kidz


It is with full momentum and good ideas that the new Team Niedz4Kidz met for the first time on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 in order to respond to the needs of our youngest residents in the commune.

You would also like to become a part of the Team Niedz4kidz and commit to the well-being of the children of our commune?
Then fill in the online form on resident's participation. We look forward to welcoming you to our Team!


Discover the great Niedz4Kidz projects!

With the aim of involving the youngest residents in our commune in concrete projects, the Niedz4Kidz team recently organised two workshops with the children from Cycle 4.1. While the first workshop was primarily about presenting the N4K concept and the projects they have realised, the pupils were able to sign up for the second workshop themselves. Around 20 motivated pupils recorded their ideas on various topics in different workshops.  One workshop focused on the centre ‘’Am Sand‘’ in order to involve the children in the participation project of the Masterplang ‘’Am Sand‘’.

In November, a meeting was held with four motivated pupils from the primary school to concretise the collected ideas. Their first step was to select from the many great ideas those that seemed most important and particularly urgent to them personally. The following four topics were retained: road safety, the ‘Am Sand’ school campus, playgrounds and a children's café/kiosk. Ideas, wishes, and also specific problems were listed on cards for each topic and together we discussed how these could be presented to the commune council.
We then worked together on the presentation of the projects: cardboard figures provided by the "Zentrum fir politesch Bildung" were painted, written on and decorated with images.

On 13 December, the day had finally come! Slightly nervous, but full of conviction, the four boys were able to present their concerns as the youngest members of our community to the politicians and via livestream even to the people at home. Of course, there were still a few questions to be answered after the presentation, but they were quickly resolved.
In the end, the adults had plenty of praise for their courage and their commitment, they received a big YES for their ideas and the advice to always stick with the projects!

Together with the pupils from the school ''Am Sand'', the new Pedibus mascots have been created just in time for the start of the 2023/2024 school year. Abbes, Betty, Chrëscht and Dolly now accompany pupils on their walk to school.


Hot off the press and off to the classes with them! On Wednesday, the 20th of September 2023, the Board of Aldermen visited the school children from Cycle 4.2 from the school "Am Sand" to hand them out - as the first children in the commune - a children's map.

It was the children’s idea to have a children's map made for their commune containing their favourite places. The members of the citizen's team "Niedz4Kidz" took up this idea and contacted the graphic design agency HUMAN MADE to launch this great project.

The children were also involved in the realisation of the map. It is a map by the children for the children from the commune of Niederanven. In July we organised a workshop with the school children from Cycle 4.1 (school year 2022/2023) of the school "Am Sand", during which the children were able to give their input to the agency on how to improve the map. They told us what their favourite places were and what was missing on the map. The suggestions were taken on board and the map was finalised.

The children's map is not to scale, but the "Am Sand" complex, with the school, the Maison Relais, the swimming pool, the CIPA Gréngewald, etc. stands out because of its size. It forms the centre of the map. Around it extends the rest of the commune with the localities of Niederanven, Oberanven, Senningerberg, Senningen, Ernster, Hostert, Ramelange, Waldhaff and Stafelter. The map is self-explanatory and therefore has little text and no legend. So even the youngest children understand what is shown on the map.

It was important to those involved in the project to create a children's map that is suitable for all ages and and with an appealing design for adults. The back of the map contains a text in four languages explaining the initiative of the children's map and introducing Niedz4Kidz.

The first edition was printed with 2,500 copies. In addition to Cycle 4.2, the other children from the school "Am Sand" also received a copy. In addition, the maps are distributed in the Maison Relais and in the Youth Centre. As new families register in the commune, they also receive a map. The map is also displayed on an aluminium DIBOND plate in the school, in the Maison Relais, in the Centre de Loisirs "Loisi" and in the skate park.

Even though the children's map was printed on paper, it is by no means static. As a commune, it was important to us that the map be a living document. In addition to the elements of the map that the agency makes available to us, including for social media and the Commune's website, residents of the commune also have the opportunity to send in their ideas and suggestions by e-mail via so that the map can be updated regularly.


The children at the Maison Relais fixed some of the hearts sponsored as part of the "with a lot of heart" campaign to the big tree on the Am Sand roundabout.
You too can become the godfather of a heart: by making a small donation to the Télévie money box, you become the godfather of a heart of your choice. Hearts are available from the Maison Relais or from the commune building.


On 25 February, Niedz4Kidz, the Maison des Jeunes and the Maison Relais invited young people aged 8 to 20 to their first N4K meeting for children and young people. Over a cosy winter barbecue, the youngsters exchanged ideas and thoughts on what could be done for them in the commune.
The discussions were very lively, and there's nothing to stop us getting together again.


During the Tree Week, the proposals made by Lex and Ben Reuter and Jesper Koob in the "Niedz4kidz goes green" competition were put into practice. For example, 3 classes in cycle 3.2 planted Paulownia trees on the lawn of the Syrdall Schwemm swimming pool and on various playgrounds in the commune.
This species of tree can have leaves 30 cm long and 20 cm wide. These trees are expected to provide plenty of shade for children on playgrounds on hot summer days in the future. What's more, a Paulownia tree filters up to five times more CO2 than traditional trees of the same age.
On the same day, Lex, Ben and Jesper planted a Paulownia next to the Syrdall Schwemm swimming pool in the presence of members of Niedz4Kidz.

The winners of the Niedz4Picz photo competition on the theme of "My favourite place in the commune" have been announced:

  • Julie's favourite spot is near Findel airport, from where you can see lots of planes.
  • Yannick's favourite spot is the Aarnescht, which he can see from his bedroom.