As a commune, we'd like to be a place where families feel comfortable accessing the support they need to ensure a healthy start to their family life. That's why we're delighted to have a partnership with Initiativ Liewensufank since 1 July 2024, which offers the BabyPLUS service to our residents.
The service BabyPLUS is an important source of information and advice for parents from pregnancy and new parents until the baby's first year of life.
- What is BabyPLUS? Free information, professional advice and support from pregnancy throughout the child‘s first year of life
- Who is eligible? All families living in the Commune of Niederanven who are either expecting a baby or have just given birth
- Where? Appointments can be arranged either in your own home or in a consultation room in the Niederanven Commune building
- Who are we? Our team is made up of empathic and experienced perinatal consultants (multilingual) from the Initiativ Liewensufank
Please contact BabyPLUS if you would like to take advantage of this free service offered by your commune. Until the age of 12 month of your baby, you are entitled to up to 8 free appointments with one of the consultants from Initiativ Liewensufank. She will come to your home or to a counseling room at the Commune building and listen to your questions and uncertainties.
The BabyPLUS service offers are non-binding. Parents can use it voluntarily.

For more information and to make an appointment, you can:
- leave a message on the answering machine of the BabyPLUS-team
- send them an email
- register via their online form
T.: 36 05 97 30
E.: babyplus@liewensufank.lu