Biological Station – ''Naturzenter SIAS''

The biological station “Naturzenter SIAS” is responsible for initiatives concerning the protection of nature and environments
Since 1989 the Commune Syndicate SIAS (Niederanven, Schuttrange, Sandweiler, Contern and Weiler-la-Tour) has been active in the implementation of projects related to nature and environmental conservation. In 2000, the SIAS ''Naturzenter'' took over the coordination of initiatives related to nature conservation and since 2003, at the initiative of the Ministry of Environment, the biological station supports nature conservation in the commune. In addition to the organisation and coordination of planting projects and maintenance, the ''Naturzenter SIAS'' acts primarily as a support centre for questions or issues concerning nature and environmental conservation.
In practice, the protection of nature encompasses the planting and pruning of fruit trees, hedges, native shrubs, solitary trees and willows. Water bodies are arranged and developed ecologically. Programmes for the conservation and maintenance of nature and landscapes are developed, biodiversity contracts are entered into with farmers – this promotes species diversity. Related programmes for the protection of endangered species, such as the little owl or bats, are developed. The development of programmes promoting awareness of nature conservation among residents is being considered.