RGTR bus lines
Please find all the timetables for the RGTR bus lines in our Commune below.
For more information about the RGTR bus lines, visit www.mobiliteit.lu.
Night Rider & Nightlifebus

What is the Night Rider?
Night Rider is a night bus without route or fixed stops. It brings you to the address of your choice and back to your residence reliably and securely, without the inconvenience of having to find a parking spot. The bus circulates in the entire Grand Duchy and operates exclusively on weekends beween 6 p.m. and 5 a.m
The Benefits?
- Online reservation: You can reserve your trip on line on the internet page up to 60 minues prior to your desired departure time, provided you are in possession of a Night Card, a valid credit card or Payconiq. If the desired departure time is not available, the reservation system automtically suggests an alternative time based on availability.
- SMS: Weather and traffic can influence the arrival times of Night Rider. The arrival of Night Rider can vary plus or minus 10 minutes Due to other requests. You will receive an SMS approximately ten minutes prior to its expected arrival, so that oyu know exactly when you should be at the place of departure.
- Pricing: The price of a trip depends on the distance – regardless of the number of people (maximum eight) that the reservation is for. The invoice bases itself on the shortest and most direct distance, even if the driver makes a detour for the purpose of picking up or dropping off other users.
- All according to the principle: the more people your reservation contains, the more advantageous the price.
Who may use the Night Card and where can I apply for it?
All residents of the Commune of Niederanven aged between 16 and 25 years may purchse a Night Card from the Commune at a price of €40 per year. For adults aged 26 years and over, the price is €80 per year.
What is the price of a trip with the Night Card?
The cost of a trip for residents in possession of a Night Card Niederanven is taken over by Commune for an amount of up to €40, provided that either the departure point or the destination point is situated in the commune of Niederanven*. The Commune invoices any excess over the amount of €40 to the resident.*.
Any journey ordered, not used and not cancelled in good time (min. 2 hours before the confirmed pick-up time), will be billed to you by the Commune offices at the full rate.
When you get on the Night Rider, don't forget to show your Night Card to the driver!
* Niederanven, Oberanven, Hostert, Ernster, Rameldange, Senningen, Senningerberg, Waldhof
No internet? No problem!
Night Rider can be reserved by telephone via the hotline 900 71 010 (3 cents/min., Monday to Thuirsday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning.
The first ever regular bus route of the country providing service at night was inaugurated in April 1999 by the Commune of Niederaven. Since then the NightLife Bus has enjoyed a continuing popularity and every weekend carries between 100 and 150 young and less young passenger.
The bus services all localities of the commune. There exists a regular connection with the City-Night-Bus at Hamilius Centre.
The bus operates Fridays and Saturdays every 60 minutes starting at 11:30 p.m. The last departure is at 3:30 a.m. in the centre of Luxembourg City.
On March 14th, 2003, we had the honour of welcoming the 25 000th passanger of the NightLife Bus of Niederanven. Since 1 November 2004, the number of passengers has surpassed the 40 000 mark.
The Commune provides additional ad hoc transportation service to large exceptional events in Luxembourg City, if these are not otherwise accessible with regular bus routes. These additional bus services are provided on the eve of the National Holiday, on New Year’s Eve, during the Rock-um-Knuedler and the Schueberfouer exhibition.