2024-10-11 22:00:00+00:00
Tap on: on the trail of the water

General information
Date & time:
the 12
from 9:00 - 14:00
Centre de Loisirs « Loisi »
- 7, Routscheed L-6939 Niederanven
Centre de Loisirs « Loisi »
- 7, Routscheed L-6939 Niederanven
The nature team, in collaboration with the Commune Administration of Niederanven, invites you to an interesting tour around drinking water.
On Saturday, the 12th of October 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM. The departure will be in front of the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand'' in order to take the bus.
On the programme:
- Visit to the ''Waasserwee'' springs near Hostert: with explanations on drinking water from Mr Laurent Kettmann, head of the water works department of the Commune of Niederanven. Where does the water come from? How does it get to the tap? On-site tasting of different types of water by Ms Fabienne Boes, drinking water resource coordinator with the SIAS
- Visit to the water tower at Senningerberg
- Visit to the wastewater treatment plant at Obersyren, with explanations on wastewater treatment from Ms Danièle Mousel, engineer-director of SIDEST
- Meeting at the Commune Building with Stephan Müllenborn, head of the ''Partenariat de cours d'eau Syr'', to detect the cleanliness of the Bouneschbaach using the ''WaterLinx'' application
- around 1 PM: anti-gaspi lunch at the Centre de Loisirs ''Loisi'' and signing session with Martine Konijnenberg, author of the children's book ''Waasser kënnt dach aus dem Krunn, oder net ?''
- after lunch, you can visit the exhibition ''eau circulaire'' from the Administration de la gestion de l'eau at the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand'' (open from 12.10. to 21.10.2024).
Registration by Thursday, 10 October 2024 at midday via christiane.bour@niederanven.lu!