Commune life
2024-11-13 23:00:00+00:00

Information evening on resident involvement


General information
Date & time: Thursday the 14 November 2024 from 18:30 - 20:30
Centre de Loisirs « Loisi »
- 7, Routscheed L-6939 Niederanven

The information event marks the starting point for the engagement and dialogue process for the revitalization of the centre “Am Sand”. During this session, we will explain in detail how the engagement process works and what involvement formats are available. Additionally, we will answer any questions you may have about it.

Thursday, 14.11.2024 at 6.30 PM at the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand''

Registration until Monday 11.11.2024 via our online form or by phone 34 11 34-1
