
Columns aspen, columns trembling poplar


Populus tremula "Erecta"
Peuplier tremblant

The fast-growing trembling aspen grows up to 30 m tall and is only slightly older than 100 years. In contrast to the natural form of the trembling aspen, the columnar form is exceptionally narrow and only 1.5 m wide after 10 years.

Deciduous, ovate to circular, with a long petiole, elliptical in cross-section, which causes the leaves to tremble at the slightest breeze. The autumn colouring of the leaves is a striking golden-yellow-orange. The foliage decomposes quickly and improves the soil.

Poplars are dioecious, which means they produce separate male and female flowers. The female catkins appear before the leaves shoot of an attractive silvery-grey colour and are a good pollen donor for bees.

The wood is light, soft and of low strength, very easy to work. It is used for the production of chipboard and plywood,
matches, toothpicks, snow shovels, etc.

Poplars grow on all substrates and are undemanding and hardy. Poplars like to form root runners and are therefore not suitable as roadside trees or for vegetation areas of small size. In addition, they pose a danger to traffic as their branches break easily.